Manual for Mail Verifier: Filters Settings

    The guides collected here will help you with various software questions.


    Filters Settings

    The option is in the menu

    • "Verify"
    • "Common settings"
    • tab "Filters settings"

    If you know that some servers do not allow proper mailbox checkup or mail servers are missing you can create a list of such server names to speed up overall processing. The application will search for a matching server name in the list and then assign the status you specify for all e-mail addresses with this server name.

    Filter — list of domains.

    Status — the default status for every domain (it can be changed).

    Add — add a new domain and the information for it.

    Edit — change the information (status) of the selected domain.

    Here are the values of the filter: Correct, Incorrect, Missed, Unchecked.

    As an example, it is widely known that mail server responds with “Mailbox exists” to any query regardless of whether the actual address exists or not. That is why it seems to be a good idea to add * mask to the list and assign the “Correct” status to all email addresses with America Online.

    Delete — delete the selected domain.

    Delete all — clear the domain list. In order to recover the information, just save the text file with domain information.

    Search by manual
    • Work with Atomic Mail Verifier (AMV)
      • Welcome to Atomic Mail Verifier
      • Register Atomic Mail Verifier
      • Why should I register Atomic Mail Verifier?
    • Program Settings
      • Common Settings
      • Proxy Settings
      • DNS Settings
      • SMTP Settings
      • Filters Settings
    • Filtering addresses
      • Filter email addresses
      • Filter rules
      • Search addresses
    • Verify Addresses
      • Import the emails list
      • Email addresses verification
      • Stop Verifying
      • Verify failed
      • Command Line
    • Export Addresses
      • Save verified email addresses
      • Export Wizard
    • Connection
      • Upgrade Atomic Mail Verifier
      • Email management software
      • Customer support
    • Introduction into Atomic Email Verifier
    If you have any problems or other
    questions please contact us. Thank you!