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    Integrate Atomic Email Tracker with other bulk emailing software

    Atomic Email Tracker can gather statistics on how often:

    1. email (newsletter, message) was opened;
    2. links were clicked;
    3. images were loaded.

    When you use a third party group mailer, you need to make some additional actions described below to collect stats using our tracking service.

    1. You need to track how many people open your e-mail message

    Add the following invisible image to the bottom of you message.

    Change the following identifiers to your own:

    MYCAMPAIGNID - type any email campaign text identifier here. The max length is 15 characters.

    MYCRYPTEDLOGIN - md5 hash of your Email Tracker login (e-mail address). If you have any problems creating md5 hash, please contact us.

    When a user opens email messages with such an image in Outlook or any other email program, it will try to load the image, so, the message opening will be tracked and information about opened messages collected and saved in Atomic Email Tracker panel.

    2. You need to track which links are clicked

    Before now, a link in your e-mail message looked, for example, like:

    If you wish to collect the stats how often these links are clicked, you need change it to:*MYCAMPAIGNID**2

    In place of red fields enter the identifiers (see the first stage).

    3. Your need to track which images are loaded

    Before now, an external image in your message looked like:

    <img src="data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=''%20viewBox='0%200%200%200'%3E%3C/svg%3E" data-lazy-src=""><noscript><img src=""></noscript>

    To start tracking you need to change the path to load an image to:

    <img src="data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=''%20viewBox='0%200%200%200'%3E%3C/svg%3E" data-lazy-src="*MYCAMPAIGNID**3"><noscript><img src="*MYCAMPAIGNID**3"></noscript>

    In place of red fields enter the identifiers (see the first stage).

    How much does Atomic Email Tracker cost?

    The service costs $ 12.85 a month or you can pay $ 79.85 a year. Click on the "Buy now" link below to pay for the Email Tracker subscription.

    You can also create Atomic Email Tracker account first and get 10 free days of tracking service on trial. Our service on trial is fully-functional, there is no trial limitations. If you like the service, you can pay for its extension right from your Email Tracker Control Panel.

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