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    Just use Atomic Email Sender and Atomic Tracker actively and get your prize!


    This is to announce a competition on Atomic Email Tracker and Atomic Email Sender the 2 most active users. The only thing you should do as a competitor - just use your AMS to send emails and Email Tracker to gather your email campaign statistics!

    On December 20th, 2006 we will sum up the results & define winners - 2 users who will:

    • trace the most number of email campaigns through his Tracker Panel till December 20th, 2006;
    • send emails to the most number of recipients with help of AMS during the period since October 20th till December 20th, 2006 (Note, this number of recipients can be gathered if only you trace your email campaigns with help of Atomic Tracker).

    On December 24th the both winning users will be awarded with FREE:

    • one-year 2007 Atomic Email Tracking service and
    • license for Aerotags HTML Password Protector or Aerotags TagsLock PRO programs.

    We'll certainly congratulate the winners via e-mail and on the newslines of our websites! If you:

    • a registered Atomic Mail Tracker user, just continue using the service actively and do not forget to extend it in time;
    • have not registered yet, then find more and register here (10-day trial period is available);
    • an existing AtomPark Software client, but do not have AMS 3.14, please upgrade it from your Members’ Area back-end with special client discounts or for free if you are under 1-year free upgrading period.
    • have never ordered Atomic products, then find more about recently upgraded Atomic Email Tracker and AMS 3.14, purchase them here and take part in the competition.

    A brief summary about the above mentioned Atomic Email Tracker and Atomic programs:

    Atomic Email Tracker with more statistics since October 10, 2006

    Since October 10, 2006 all registered users of the Atomic Email Tracker service can gather even more statistics. More reports with bar graph are available in a renewed Email Tracker control panel:

    • Total;
    • By Campaign ID;
    • By countries (without bar graph);
    • Month by month.

    In addition, now not only a number of Opened messages, Clicked links and Viewed Images, but also a number of Sent messages (this feature is available if you use AMS 3.14 or higher version).

    More info about Atomic Email Tracker web-based service please find here.

    Atomic Mail Sender (AMS) 3.14 released on October 10, 2006

    Bagfixes, features added:

    • SPAM blocking reports are added;
    • No more inserting messages from Templates bags;
    • More options for inserting an image - you can insert an image from any website, ex.;
    • Adding HTML code in Insert menu;
    • More color presented in the main menu;
    • Custom SMTP Headers - checking the settings for correctness;
    • Test message - by default, it offers to send mail to yourself now;
    • Insert tracking code - bad characters are removed automatically;
    • Logs are opened for only processed messages, not for messages in "delivering..." mode;
    • Monitoring Clipboard when you are trying to download a message from WWW;
    • Provides more statistics for renewed Atomic Email Tracker.

    More details about Atomic Mail Sender features are here.

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