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Note! You can increase the ROI(return on investment) indicators by 15-25% just by using this program. Atomic List Manager possess the number of different functions such as email lists split up and union, sorting of the lists with the following killing of the duplicates, incorrect and suspicious emails. The program is also capable of creating new emails on the basis of existing ones.
Atomic List Manager can sort (possible sorting options examples are shown below in operations section) and transform large lists in regаrds to the given criteria. The program is very convenient and easy to use since you can load several lists at a time and work with them directly from the program.
The program also supports Windows 8/10/11 and Windows XP and Vista
For smooth operation, we recommend running the program with administrator rights.
Atomic List Manager is easy to use even for the start upper. First you should load one or several lists of emails. You can see them in the left hand side column of the lists. Then you should choose the function you need using the icons on the operational bar or from the Operations menu of the menu bar. After that the program will ask you to choose criteria of list processing in the pop up window. The menu is user friendly and possess pop up hints. After processing the lists you can see the result as a new list or as changed old list. After processing is done all you have to do is just save results into file.
It is important to underline that all our programs are integrated and all you have to do, say for bulk emailing the list, is to click on the AMS icon on the menu bar.