Sending Mail - Manual

    The guides collected here will help you with various software questions.


    Sending mail

    Press “F9” on your keyboard or click the “Send” toolbar button for quick access to the “Send Mail Monitor”. If email recepiets addresses were loaded to a recipients list, the “Send Mail Monitor” window will open, otherwise it will take you back to a “Recipients list” window.

    “Start” — it’s a button to begin sending mail.

    “Pause” — it’s a button to pause the delivering. Sending messages can be continued by clicking “Resume” at any time

    “Abort” — it’s a button to stop delivering messages. The program will ask if you really want to stop the process.


    The results over the current delivering are in the left menu

    • “Progress” — the total number of the worked over messages
    • “Good” — the number of sent messages
    • “Bad” — the number of failed messages
    • “Time” — the total time of delivering process
    • “recipients” — the number of the recipients in the current list
    • “Speed” — the speed of the delivery. You can set this parameter in “Settings”/ “Common settings”/ “SMTP”
    • “SMTP info” — the information about the delivery type, domain throttle, speed, connections, rotation and charset. For more details see “Settings”/ “Common settings”/ “SMTP”.
    • “Reports” — making reports over the delivery.

    For using monitoring press “Campaign tracking” and switch it on. Atomic Email Tracker will be opened.


    “Share with friends” — share the information through Facebook, Twitter or other messenger.


    Sometimes Atomic Mail Sender cannot be configured automatically and emails cannot go through. You can find out more details about the email delivery problems you can in the “Why my email messages are not delivered?” section or at support page

    Search by manual
    • Inserting the text
      • Merge data
        • Inserting a link
      • Spin text
      • Random text
      • Random words
    • About the program
      • Introducing the AMS
      • AMS online
      • Main window
      • Using a command line
      • Restoring after crash
    • Settings
      • Program settings
      • SMTP Wizard
      • Interface language
      • HELO address
      • Default message properties
    • Work with the project
      • New project
      • Save project
      • HTML templates
      • Schedule the delivery
    • Message editor
      • Insert a table
      • Insert social icons
      • Unsubscribe function
      • Spam check
      • Message editor
      • Random picture
    • Recipient list
      • Recipient list
      • Find dialog
      • Unsubscribe the recipients
      • Extract email addresses
    • Sending mail
      • Message properities
      • Send test mail
      • Delivery
      • Reports
    • Monitoring
      • Tracking email messages
      • Google Analytics
      • Bounce Analyzer
    • About errors
      • Messages are not sent
      • Messages sent, but not received
    • How to…
      • Send mail
      • Personalize the mailing
      • Send mail anonimousely
      • Generate new mailing list
      • Find SMTP- server
      • Track the delivery
      • Keyboard shortcuts
    • Contacts
      • Troubleshooting
      • Atomic Mail Sender registration
      • Updating the software
      • Lost registration data
    If you have any problems or other
    questions please contact us. Thank you!