Where to find bulk email addresses: best places for getting emails

    by Tatiana Pyrih
    Where to find emails Many users of Atomic Email Hunter don’t feel all the possibilities of the software because they don’t know where to search for email addresses. In this article, we’ve decided to share some tips on where to collect email addresses for creating highly relevant mailing lists.

    How and where to find email addresses: knowledge about the target audience is the key to success

    If you want to understand where to collect email addresses, first you should learn much about your potential clients. Create the psychological portrait of the typical representative of your target audience:
    • what are their interests;
    • what they read;
    • what they watch;
    • what social networks they prefer to use;
    • what forums or websites they like.
    Now that you know what is your target audience likes let’s talk more detail where it can ‘live’.

    Where to find company email addresses: Whois database as the place for parsing

    Whois database is the best place where to find corporate email addresses. Every modern company has a website. And all the information including contacts about the owner of the site is kept in the Whois database. For mass search through it, you should use special software. For example, Atomic Whois Explorer:
    1. Add the URLs of the websites the owners of which you want to contact.   Wherr to search for email addresses
    3. Click “Explore”, “Start”, and the program will find the emails. You will see them in the “Reg email” column:   where-to-find-email-addresses
    So, this is the good variant of where to search for email addresses of the website owners.

    Social media accounts and groups as the best place where to find email addresses

    If you've got a portrait of the typical representatives of your target audience you definitely know what social networks they prefer. So, this is one of the best variants where to find email addresses. Social media are not just fun, but also great and enormous storage of personal data. So, if you are looking for job seekers use search by keyword on LinkedIn. If you sell something extract emails from the topic groups on Facebook or use search by keyword on Reddit. For example, you are an organizer of the educational forum and looking for potential participants — teachers. Here is how you can use Atomic Email Hunter:
    1. Click “Search”, “New search”:   Where to collect email addresses
    3. Choose “Search email addresses on site by keywords”, enter the URL (we will run the search on LinkedIn) and the keyword (teacher), and click “Next”:   Where to find bulk email addresses
    5. And here are the first results. The program has found 27 addresses within a minute:   Where to find company email addresses
    So, if you don’t know where to collect email addresses, then download Atomic Email Hunter and find emails in social networks.

    An unexpected place where to find email addresses: make the most of your Mailbox

    In your Mailbox, you can have hundreds of emails. These are the people that have contacted you earlier or whom you have sent something. Also, there can be some emails inside the newsletters you have received. So, use them with favor. Atomic Email Hunter helps you in collecting all these emails stored on your Mailbox. For this just click “Mailbox” on the panel at the top of the window.   Where to find corporate email addresses   Then set the connection by filling in the boxes “Server”, “Auth scheme”, and enter login and password of your email. Click “Search” and wait for the results!

    What websites are best to scrape emails of: the secrets of hunting for the target audience?

    There is no certain answer to the question of what is the best website to find email addresses. It completely depends on the peculiarities of the target audience. But here are some ideas for different spheres.

    For recruiters: where to find email addresses of candidates?

    If you are a recruiter, and the target audience is the potential employees, then you need to search through some job websites. The biggest and the most popular of them in the USA are:
    • Indeed
    • Glassdoor
    • Us.jobs
    So, these are the best websites to find email addresses of the appropriate people for the vacancies you have. But how to look for the emails from this website more targeted? Atomic Email Hunter will help you with this. For example, you are looking for developers for your IT project:
    1. Click “Search”, “New search”   What websites are best to scrape emails of
    3. Choose the second variant: ''search email addresses on site by keyword' and enter the website (for example, indeed.com) and the keyword (e. g. developer). Then click "Next" and wait for the results.   Best website to find email addresses
    5. The program gives the first results.   Best websites to find email addressesAtomic Email Hunter has found 15 emails of potential employees for 9 minutes. And this is not the limit! If you let the software work longer you will get more contacts.
    Not depending on the sphere, just choose the right website and a relevant keyword, and you will enrich your database with the emails of the potential employees.

    For link builders: where to find emails of influencers?

    If you are a link builder and want to find the relevant platforms for link exchange you can use just the keyword search. Atomic Email Hunter will find the best websites the most relevant for your keyword by itself. If you need the emails of bloggers, you can search through the specialized forums for them:
    • Bloggeries
    • Bloggerhub
    • Probloggers
    To make your search more targeted use keywords relevant to your topic. For example, you are looking for the bloggers in devices sphere:
    1. Click “Search”, “New search”:   Where to find email addresses
    3. Choose ''search email addresses on site by keyword” and enter the website (for example, bloggerhub.com) and the keyword (e. g. iPhone). Then click “Next”:   Where to collect email addresses
    5. Wait for the results.   Where to search for email addressesFor example, we have found 7 emails of influencers within 1 minute. If you wait for longer you will get more valuable contacts.
    So, the contacts of influencers in different spheres can be easily found on forums. For finding only relevant emails use the keywords.

    For sellers: where to collect email addresses of the target audience?

    For getting the emails of the potential clients you need to look for some big forums relevant for your sphere of activity. Here is the list of some popular forums on different topics:
    • Auto: carforums.com, automotiveforums.com, bimmerforums.com, hybridcarsforums.com
    • Beauty: specktra.com, thebeautybrains.com, makeuptalk.com
    • Children: kidsinthehouse.com, kidzworld.com, flchild.com,
    • Pets: petforums.com, petguide.com, animalforum.com
    • Business: smallbusinessforums.com, entrepreneurfix.com, startupnation.com, entrepreneur.com
    • Sport: sports-forum.com, prosportsdaily.com
    • Education: wefusa.net, educations.com
    If you’ve chosen the forum that is highly relevant for the target audience then you can just extract all the emails from the website even without entering the keyword. For example, you are selling auto parts and want to run the cold emailing to the car owners:
    1. Click “Search”, “New search”:   Where to find business email addresses
    3. Choose “Extract email addresses from this site” and enter the URL (for example, carforums.com). Then click “Next”:   Best website to find email addresses
    5.  Here are the first results after only a minute of search:   Best websites to find email addresses

    For B2B: where to find business email addresses?

    For this, you can use the “Company Email Finder” feature of Atomic Email Hunter. It finds the corporate addresses of the employees of companies you need. But you should create by yourself the list of companies that are interesting for you. Here is how this feature works:
    1. Click “Company Email Finder”:   Where to find business email addresses
    3. Enter the website of the company and click “Search”:   Where to collect email addresses
    5. The program has found 129 addresses associated with the company within 25 seconds:   Where to search for email addresses
    As you can see, creating the contact list is easy. The main thing is to know who your target audience is and where it “lives”. Then the question of where to search for email addresses won’t be difficult for you.

    To conclude

    Target audience is the key answer to the question of where to collect email addresses. Learn it and define the places on the Web where your potential client “lives”. Atomic Email Hunter will do all the rest.

    Download a free demo of Atomic Email Hunter and run free address lookup for 7 days

    Written by:
    Tatiana Pyrih
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