Save Your Good Name – Top 8 Ways to Avoid Spammer-Status on the Way to a Happy Email Marketer Life

    by Paul Shuteyev
    sun and cloudsHey guys, Hope you're doing great! Today I want to provide you with the list of top 8 tips on how to avoid spammer-status and successfully run your email campaigns in future. I will try to keep them short and easy-2-understand.

    Top 8 Ways to avoid spammer-status on the way to a happy email marketer life:

    1. Keep track of who opts out of your email list and make sure to remove these people.
    2. Include a privacy policy on your website and link to it in your opt-in form.
    3. Do your research before you sign up for an email service provider.
    4. Be careful if you use a rented email list.
    5. Use a return address that has enough room.
    6. Include clear directions on how to opt out of your email list.
    7. Use a real from address.
    8. Use a genuine and non-misleading subject line.
    Written by:
    Paul Shuteyev
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