Everything you need to know about email subdomains

    by Ira Byvalkevich



    Naturally, not everyone needs for their letter activities using subdomains for email, and not always. Assuming your organization has many assignments for email promoting and the brand, it is smarter to utilize additional brand subdomains to make different sendings from welcome to value-based by means of a mass mail sender. You will need to set a primary mail domain and subdomains for either case.


    What are email subdomains?


    Subdomains are used to give an individual web page a unique name. Subdomain in email address functions the same.

    What is an email subdomain? Here’s a definition from Braze.com:

    A subdomain is the 'child' of that parent domain, identified by a prefix that indicates that it's a distinct subsection of the larger domain. Once you've decided on your subdomain, you can put anything before the @ symbol in your email addresses.

    When you use email list manager you may notice how subdomains and domains may affect deliverability of your blasts.


    How an email domain & an email subdomain differ?


    Domains are nown to be one of the basic factors for creating an email marketing infrastructure (a technical system for sending various types of mailings from a company). Its choice should be wise. The subscriber and the mail provider understand who sent the email message based on the domain and sender name.

    Organizations are seldom restricted to one sort of email. For all messages to arrive at the recipients, you need toutilize a subdomain for each kind of email and make an extraordinary subdomain for email marketing.


    For what reason would it be advisable to utilize an email subdomain?


    Sender reputation depends on the sender's domain and IP address, DKIM key, and other factors. In this case, the sender's domain is not at all in the last place of importance.

    That’s why the companies are rarely limited to one type of email. For all emails to reach the recipients, you need to use an email address with subdomain for each type of email. For example, the Apple domain is apple.com, and mailing lists about discounts and new gadget releases come from the insideapple.apple.com subdomain.

    Both reputations of subdomains and the domain may affect each other.
    For example, a company chose an unsuccessful reactivation strategy and sent emails to a large number of subscribers at once. The reactivation mailing began to fall into the Spam folder. Due to this, the percentage of complaints increases from 0.01% to 0.5%, this is a lot. It’s simply because complaints are also notifications that subscribers mark as spam in their emails. Thus, their email subdomain examples are not reputable enough to avoid Spam filters.

    When should you use it?

    There is the basic rule:

    Create different subdomains for mass mailing and transactional emails: order confirmation, password change, purchase receipts, etc. to preserve a great subdomain email reputation.

    When should subdomains be used? They can be used to organize your existing mail services into a separate mailing service for corporate usage or multiple usages for various sendings. Typically, subdomains are used to track and manage the mailing reputation without different activities affecting one another.


    What it looks like in real life?


    How to make subdomain email address to coordinate profoundly viable informing and not get into Spam? Simply have your organization address on a sub-domain name. Whenever you've settled on your subdomain, you can put anything before the @ image in your email addresses.

    In the case that your host has Cpanel, it will be a one-step process. Once you have created your sub-domain, it is immediately listed on the drop-down list of all the domains. It will be reflected in the email account creation option. Generally, you really need control over the domain to make such sub domain email address.


    Are there any deliverability effects?


    The rumors have it that the reputation of the primary domain affects the reputation of its subdomains. That is, assuming you get into spam by sending different types of emails from the principle, then, at that point, there is a high likelihood of getting into spam by making mailings from its subdomains.

    Accordingly, if you got into spam from the main domain, then you need to buy a new domain for mailing lists, clean email list, and keep going with the current one hoping for luck in order to somehow solve the problem.

    And vice versa: if you don’t get spam from the main domain, then there shouldn’t be any problems with subdomains and the internet service providers.

    But it is not exactly how you may think it is. In fact, you may come across the two common situations:

    First scenario. Mails that were sent from the main domain constantly were marked as spam and ended up in spam for customers. But when creating a subdomain, no such problem was found.
    Second scenario. Letters that were sent from the main domain did not end up in spam and its reputation was at a high level. But everything may change after the first mass mailing from the new subdomain. The last reputation becomes lower and most of the letters sent from it ens up in spam again

    The earlier you understand your reputation the better it will be, you may come to the conclusion that the main domain and its subdomains do not affect each other. Anyway, when you create a mailbox on each of the new subdomains, you first start warming up each subdomain first. And then you may make your mailings and test the results for real.


    Final thoughts


    If your company has many tasks for email marketing and the brand, it is better to use more brand subdomains to create various sendings. In either of the scenarios, the outcome of making a reen way to utilize subdomains for marketing mails may rather depend from time to time. To increase the levels of engagement, it is always better to use reputable mailers and boxes and respect the users for them not to get annoyed and send your letters to the spam folder. If you got into spam during warm-up, find out why this happened. Next time try to change what didn’t work. If it was your domain, then change it and proceed. Good luck!

    Written by:
    Ira Byvalkevich
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