Email Marketing History – Few Facts and Figures You Should Know

    by Paul Shuteyev
    Email Marketing History - Facts and Figures

    Email Marketing History - Facts and Figures

    Hi guys,

    Hope you're doing really well! How long have you been doing email marketing? A year, few years, maybe even 5. Email technology niche may celebrate at least 15th anniversary, and more than 10 years we are using email technologies as a way to reach customers and leads.

    Here are few interesting facts about email and email marketing. Please enjoy!

    First Email Message

    First person who emailed someone was Ray Tomlinson. He was working on ARPANET project (something we may call now Internet) and was interested in e-communications. First email message was sent between two side-by-side computers. First email message contained a text that's close to "test 123".

    The Most Common Email Password

    It seems “123456″ is the all-time most popular combination for protecting our online correspondence. This sequence came out on top in 2009 when over 10 thousands Hotmail passwords were exposed online.

    @ Sing in Morse Code

    Despite the rise in popularity of e-mail in the late 20th century, Morse code didn’t get a character for the “@” sign until 2004. The string combines Morse for “A” and “C,” and is known as the “commat,” an abbreviation of “commercial at.”'

    What is the @ Sing called?

    In English, “@” is commonly known as the “at” sign or symbol
    Some languages have animal-related ways to describe the @ sign.
    In Russian, it's sobaka or lyagushka - "dog" or "frog"
    In Dutch, it’s apestaart — “monkey’s tail.”
    In Swedish, it’s snabel-a — “A” with an elephant’s trunk.
    And in Italian, it’s chiocciolina — small snail.

    P.S. Thanks for information that was used to prepare this article.

    Written by:
    Paul Shuteyev
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