Massmailsoftware Blog category Sales

    Latest news, current events, and much more from the field of marketing.


    It’s Not Getting What You Want…

    Sheryl Crow’s hit song “Soak Up The Sun” has a wonderful line in it that we can take a lesson from. “It’s not getting what you want, it’s wanting what you’ve got.” This is a definite key to peace and happiness, and it should also be a cornerstone of your marketing campaign. Your potential customers think they know what they want, but sometimes they feel cheated after they get it…whatever it was that they thought they wanted didn’t turn out to be what they needed, whether it be a consultant, a piece of software or the latest gadget from late-night […]

    One Of The Most Powerful Words In Marketing

    There’s one word that can carry quite a bit of power when used as part of your marketing message: “Free”. Admittedly, “free” doesn’t carry the weight it used to. With everyone reaching the point of becoming over-saturated with marketing messages, something that has the word “free” attached to it has almost become a turn-off…especially online. But it can still be a very effective tool, when used correctly; for example, as an inducement to opt-in to your newsletter or email list. In many people’s minds, a successful marketing message has lots of exclamation points, underlines and flashing messages. These things were […]

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