Massmailsoftware Blog category Marketing

    Latest news, current events, and much more from the field of marketing.


    Marketing, Branding, Public Relations and Advertising

    Deborah Schultz has one of the best graphics I’ve ever seen up on her blog (courtesy of Brand Identity Guru), explaining the difference between marketing, branding, public relations and advertising far better than anything I’ve run across. This puts quite a few things into perspective: Notice several things…for example, marketing is represented as nothing more than a less-annoying version of advertising. However, the one thing that jumps out at me is this…notice how branding and marketing are very similar. The only difference is who holds the opinion. This goes back to what I’ve said before…lead your customers to form an […]

    Get Emotional About Your Marketing

    Too many times, marketers focus on the medium being used to transmit their message, instead of concentrating on the message itself. An effective marketing message will be effective no matter what medium is used to transmit it. The trick is to know how to construct an effective marketing message. Luckily, this doesn’t involve deals with the devil, mystic VooDoo rituals or ancient Chinese secrets. (Unless you want to base your chances of business success on Satan, a dead chicken and a fortune cookie, in which case have at it.) There’s one simple method that is present in all effective marketing: […]

    Don’t Miss The Affiliate Marketing Bus

    While not right for everyone, there’s one method of marketing on the internet that is overlooked by many…affiliate marketing. One of the more prolific ( and most successful) affiliate marketing systems available today is the one from In your travels around the web, I’m sure you’ve seen something like the bar to the right more than a few times. This has turned into a very successful marketing tool for Amazon, because the legions of people spending time, money and effort promoting and marketing their products only get paid when a sale is made. “Sure, Dave,” I hear you saying, […]

    Don’t Forget To Ask For No Sale

    The car salesman sits behind his desk, fresh from yet another meeting with the sales manager. As he slides the “four-square” worksheet across his desk toward you, you have no interest in what’s written there, and tell him…for the twelfth time this hour. “Okay, what would it take to get you to buy today? Right now?” he asks. “Nothing. I told you I was just looking; I’ll be in the market in a few months, but there’s nothing you can do or say to get me to buy today.” “I’ll be right back,” he replies, standing up and starting for […]

    One Little, Two Little, Three Little Customers…

    If you had the opportunity to either tell ten people about your business or tell one million, which would you do? I’m really hoping you said “ten thousand”. Marketing is nothing more than telling people about your business while prompting them to take action. And while it’s true that marketing to ten pre-qualified targeted people will always give a higher percentage of conversions, they don’t let you pay your light bill with conversions. Sometimes, you have to put the marketing blowgun away and bring out the shotgun. Why? Simple…if 80% of those ten people make a purchase from you at […]

    Keep Selling Them After They’re Sold

    Your best potential customers are the ones you already have. Everyone knows that repeat business can be a big key to success, but there’s another aspect of your customers you need to keep in mind…the best marketing you can receive is a current customer recommending you to their friends, family and co-workers. I’m not talking about multi-level marketing…while many make a nice profit with that business model, talking your Great Aunt Mildred into buying her laundry detergent from you (no matter how much her clothes may smell) isn’t the point. What I am talking about is your customers selling your […]

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