Massmailsoftware Blog category Marketing

    Latest news, current events, and much more from the field of marketing.


    “Thousands of customers – bad customers?” or How Customers Kill Business

    The International Marketing Organisation warns! One of the main reasons why many small businesses fail, is that they get too many new customers. What’s that I hear you say? You thought you were supposed to get new customers. Well yes, you do want to get new customers, but only if they come back and buy from you at least 5 times. Let me explain what I mean. Each time you market to a new customer it costs you money. This is known as your acquisition cost. To calculate your acquisition cost, you need to workout the cost of your marketing, […]

    Does Pope use e-mail?

    Email Pope Benedict XVI The email address of Pope Benedict XVI is is unlikely you will receive a personal response if you send an email to the pope, but the Holy See does read, collect and route all mail. The Pope possibly has another private email address inside the Vatican. Pope John Paul II, the First Pope of the Internet Age When Karol Józef Wojtyla became Pope John Paul II in 1978, email was still in its infancy. The first email had been written seven years ago, but barely a handful of people knew computer networks existed at all. […]

    Most stupid marketing trick on Ebay ever!

    A guy selling nothing on eBay is promoting it as the dumbest eBay auction ever. Since the idea isn’t new (nothing has been sold on eBay before, as even he admits), it may just live up to the claim. The seller writes: Rather than put up some arbitrary item that’s worthless and intangible, I figured I’d just put up something of equivalent value: nothing. You are bidding on absolutely nothing. I won’t send you anything if you win the auction. Shipping on this particular item is free. I will send you exactly what is described here, including no item and […]

    Trick: Try different places for your link in newsletters!

    The place a newsletter or email marketing campaign a link appears at can be crucial for click-through. Consequently, which link goes where can be crucial for the success (if measured in click-through rates) of any email marketing effort. That’s why you’d try some new placements, pal! Segment your list or, if you can’t segment, use consecutive issues to vary the placement of standard links. Monitor click-through rates closely to determine which link works best in a certain position, and in which position a link works best. *** By my mind, the best place for link is after the whole text, […]

    9 Crazy Marketing Tricks

    Here are 9 most powerful marketing advices ever. Many successful compaigns in whole world follow them with pleasure! Let’s start: 1. Stage a protest for “good customer service.” Imagine what would happen if you had picketers outside your place of business with picket signs that read something like, “We’re protesting good customer service at this location!” or “This place is full of nice people interested in customers!” First, you’ll get noticed. Second, you may get coverage by the local media. 2. Conduct a random act of kindness. Pay the toll for the car behind yours and ask the toll collector […]

    Successful Marketing Is Stressful

    I’ve mentioned before that the process of sales can be boiled down to solving problems. Seth Godin has a great angle on this idea: That thing you’re marketing… Does it add to stress or take it away? Is it stressful to talk about it? Buy it? Get rid of it? Is it more stressful not to buy it than it is to go ahead and buy one? Does it promise to reduce stress, but end up causing more? This is a great thing to keep in mind while creating your marketing message. It doesn’t necessarily mean you have to use […]

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