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    Latest news, current events, and much more from the field of marketing.


    Top Marketing Tactics 2008!

    What online marketing tactics will you select in 2008? Blogging (29%) Email marketing (16%) Search engine optimization (12%) Pay per click (8%) Social networks (Facebook, LinkedIn) (5%) Affiliate marketing (4%) Blogger relations (3%) Viral marketing (3%) Corporate web site (3%) Online public relations (3%) Free content (white papers) (3%) Behavioral targeting (2%) Video marketing (2%) Webinars/Teleconference (2%) User generated content (1%) Social News / Bookmarking (1%) IM / Microblogging (Twitter) (1%) Virtual tradeshows (1%) Online contests, giveaways (1%) Online communities/forums (1%) Paid reviews (1%) Blog advertising (1%) Online display ads (1%) Contextual Advertising (1%) Widgets (1%) Mobile ads (1%) Branded […]

    10+4 Marketing horror-words

    Statistics is the greatest human invention and the most powerful marketing tool. During my researches I’ve found top 14 most horrible words for all customers. So if you’re professional businessman – you should check it for yourself and learn them! Let’s start, my friend! 1. Price This may be one of those “unavoidable terms” and in fact is one that seems to be expected in ecommerce sites, however, it might be worth testing different terms, or leaving it out completely (instead of saying “Price: $xxx” consider just listing the price as “$xxx”). Again, this depends on the site. 2. Cost […]

    e-Marketing method’s costs per order

    Online Method Cost Per Order Email Affiliate Programs >$7.00 $17.47 Paid Search Banner Ads $26.75 $71.89

    Top 10 Marketing Fails

    Check these 10 most funny and silly marketing fails in history! :)))))))) 10. Chevrolet Nova didn’t do well in Spanish speaking countries … Nova means ‘No Go’ … 9. Bacardi concocted a fruity drink with the name ‘Pavian’ to suggest French chic … but ‘Pavian’ means ‘baboon’ in German. 8. A peanut-packed chocolate bar targeted at Japanese teenagers needing energy while cramming for exams ran headlong into a belief that eating peanuts and chocolate causes nosebleeds. 7. Parker Pens translated the slogan for its ink, “Avoid Embarrassment – Use Quink” into Spanish as “Evite Embarazos – Use Quink” … which […]

    Real Software to make Real Money

    Hello, my name is Zakk. I’ve written this article as a product real user, not advertiser, so it’s without fear of favour. I’m keen on internet marketing and online business, also doing articles and reviews. Today I’d like to explain main e-marketing method to increase real customer quantity and get subscribers. It’s about EMAIL MARKETING. As we all know, electronic mail is the best internet marketing resource, so if you: 1.) Are seeking ways to promote your online business 2.) Want to increase your profits 3.) Need new customers 4.) Or just get useful bulk email software to send the […]

    Humor: Joke up your director!

    You definitely work in Marketing, if: 10. You lecture the neighborhood kids selling lemonade on ways to improve their look-to-buy ratio. 9. You get all excited when it’s Saturday so you can wear casual clothes to work. 8. You refer to the tomatoes grown in your garden as “deliverables.” 7. You find you really need PowerPoint to explain what you do for a living. 6. You normally eat out of vending machines and at the most expensive restaurant in town within the same week. 5. You wear gray to work instead of navy blue to make a bold fashion statement. […]

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