Massmailsoftware Blog category Marketing

    Latest news, current events, and much more from the field of marketing.


    SMS Marketing 2010 – 5 Golden Rules of Permission Based SMS Marketing

    “Email is personal. SMS is more personal.” Although an email reaches the individual directly, is cheap, convenient and fast – this is where the similarities between email and SMS come to an end. Mobile phones do not have “Spam filters”, and as a result, it is virtually impossible for recipients to stop receiving messages – even if they do know who the sender is. The deletion process for an SMS is also longer and more tedious than for an email. People are therefore far more conscious of unwanted SMS messages than they are of traditional email Spam. It is AtomPark’s […]

    Email Marketing 2010 – Coming Soon – NEW Atomic Email Hunter 7.00

    Ladies and Gentlemen, Friends, Happy Customers, We are glad to announce that we’ve started developing process of the new Atomic Email Hunter version! What’s NEW in upcoming version: Faster HTTP / HTTPS Scan Email / Mobile Phone number extracting Connection with Email-sending and SMS-sending modules Social Media connections Java Script link recognizing Atomic Smart Engine – filling and submitting forms to get deeper access Multitasking and Much, Much More!

    Email Marketing 2010 – Basic Email Signature Techniques

    What, you don’t have a signature for your email messages and articles? Then you are missing out one of the cheapest, but most efficient marketing tools. But how do you create the perfect signature for your business? Let me show you: When creating your own promotional email signature, first you have to figure out how you want the reader to react. Do you want her or him to visit your web site, to purchase your products, or to join your newsletter?

    Email Marketing Statistics 2010 – Let the digits talk!

    Marketing e-mails using a house list are seeing an average open rate of nearly 20%, a click-through rate of 6.64% and a conversation rate of 1.73%, according to a survey released in July by the Direct Marketing Association. Marketing e-mails are also bouncing back at a rate of 3.72% and seeing a unsubscribe rate of 0.77%. Response rates for direct mail marketing pieces have also held steady, according to the organization, seeing rates of 3.42% for a house list and 1.38% for prospect lists. Marketing Association also noted that outbound telemarketing to prospects had the highest response rate at 6.16%, […]

    Email Marketing 2010 – How To Make Your Email Message Relevant

    Hey guys, You’ve heard it a gazillion times: Make your email messages and sms campaigns more relevant. The more relevant and “personalized” the message, the higher the response rate. But how do you determine which information is necessary to make your communications more personalized and where do you start once you know that? Before you start collecting data on your customers and prospects, determine your objectives. How you plan on using the information—for example, for promotions, for invites to special events or for up-selling opportunities—will drive the type of information you gather. Think about what you need to know from […]

    Email Marketing 2010 – Top 25 Reasons to Launch Email Newsletter

    If you are considering launching email marketing campaign or just an email newsletter – these tips are written for You! These are 25 tips to help you understand email marketing and email newsletter publishing strategies. *E-newsletters establish a regular link between brand and customer. *Email provides instant contact for urgent announcements or releases. *Customers can receive messages wherever they are, either at home, at work or mobile. *Many customers spend a majority of their time at a computer where the message is delivered. *A well crafted email campaign can provide value to, and educate customers.

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