Massmailsoftware Blog category Marketing

    Latest news, current events, and much more from the field of marketing.


    How to Create an Email Signature

    This small snippet of text that sits at the bottom of your email can do a great work for you if you can follow a bunch of simple tips to make it look nice and neat. We are going to discuss what can give your email an extra eye-catching power.

    Advice for effective B2B email marketing

    Hey guys, Are there any B2B representatives reading this blog? Today we will talk about tips to improve email marketing for the B2B sphere. Email marketing has proved to be the most effective marketing tool out there. But depending on the quality of an email marketing strategy, it can either grow a business or destroy its reputation.

    Mobile marketing trends 2014

    In our previous article we have analyzed email marketing trends for the upcoming year. We cannot ignore such an important marketing sphere as a mobile marketing. With the growth of the smartphones market the impact of mobile marketing is becoming more and more evident. Related technologies are changing all over the place and what was relevant two years ago, will be an anachronism in the nearest future. So to succeed in internet marketing we need to constantly adapt to a changing technological world. Here are few facts about the use of smartphones, proving the significance of mobile marketing: 50% of […]

    Dos and don’ts of mobile marketing

    Smartphones, initially developed for the business community, have today become widespread. Currently, the smartphone market share is over 50% in the U.S.A. and Europe. Today, 6.8 billion cell phones are used globally. The rapid expansion of smartphone use opens great opportunities to instantly engage with potential and existing customers. Mobile marketing develops as fast as smartphones do, and the more people who start using smartphones, the more marketing options we get. But in terms of professional marketing, there is a lot of room to grow, as only ¼ of brands have mobile marketing strategies. Smartphone users tend to spend more […]

    Lead generation to drive sales

    Hello guys, Hope you are doing great! Today I would like to talk to you about sales. Beyond all doubt, lead generation is the fundamental basis of all sales. In simple words, lead generation is the practice of soliciting contact information from potential customers.

    Freedom of Choice: the Unsubscribe Button

    Send your emails only to interested people and minimize the risk of spam complaints. For this, you need unsubscribe button and link in your emails. Today we will tell you how to add them to your newsletter. You will learn all the rules of making the unsubscribe button and link work effectively.

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