Massmailsoftware Blog category Email Marketing

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    Email Marketing

    Email Marketing 2010 – Your Personal Email Valentines – A-class Email List Subscribers

    Hi Guys, Let’s discuss email lists and subscribers again. I know it’s basics, but this time we have some tricks and tips even for basics. On any email list, there will be three populations: the people who love you – let’s call them Email Valentines, the people who like you – just like it’s on Facebook, and the group who are just hanging in there – probably they just wanted to get access to some of your special offers, just once. Atomic Email Software is designed to provide you with the high-class subscribers – those ones who will love you. […]

    Email Marketing 2010 – 4 Myths about Video Sharing via Email

    People are always looking for the next great thing in email marketing, and these days much of the talk involves social-networking (hey, check our Facebook group, btw) and even social-media integration. But there is one other technology—video, yes, old-good videos… This was a taboo in email marketing—that can be integrated into your campaigns. These 4 Myths now can be laid to rest and the taboo broken. Let’s discuss these email marketing and video sharing myths!

    Social Media and Business 2010 – Fatal Mistakes to Avoid. Part 2.

    Mistake 3: Offering too much or too little choice Offering audiences too much choice for communicating with them creates noise. For example, if they receive the same information via Twitter, LinkedIn, email marketing, online groups, and your newsletter, at some point they will tune out and potentially miss important new information. Offering too little choice is just as problematic. For example, many organizers now use Facebook to advertise events and contests to the exclusion of traditional websites and advertising. However, the assumption that “everybody” is on Facebook—or that everyone who is on Facebook and needs the information will receive it—is […]

    Social Media and Business 2010 – Fatal Mistakes to Avoid. Part 1.

    Hey folks, Here are few mistakes that businesses commit in using social media platforms for their marketing communications (i.e. for us it’s email marketing software niche). Well, don’t be afraid to make these mistakes, ’cause the best thing is that solutions to solve or to prevent these mistakes are included below. Mistake 1: Failing to consider the audience first Jumping on the latest, greatest communication bandwagon without first asking, “Who is my audience and is [insert new media platform here] the best way to reach them?” is the leading cause of ineffective marketing communications. That social media lacks an entry […]

    Statistics 2010 – Email and Facebook Domination in Content Sharing

    Hey guys, Here are the latest Email Marketing and Social Media statistics on content sharing. Let the digits talk!

    Mixing Email Marketing with Social Media – 20 Steps To Go Through

    Hey folks, First-off, let’s discuss traditions and basics. As we all know, Email Marketing has more traditions and its history is older and deeper, rather than Social Media’s. What we have now is a rebirth of Email Marketing and uprising of Social Media. E-marketing’s old-school vs. new-school. Many names, one happening. History tells us that we are always going to get positive effect by mixing oldies and traditions with something fresh and new. And I’m not talking about Email Marketing, or just marketing, at all – just check Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG as great example of such combination. I would like […]

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