Massmailsoftware Blog category Email Marketing

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    Email Marketing

    Email Marketing 2011 – Top List-Building Tactics that Really Work

    Hey guys, Hope you’re doing really well. I would like to share an awesome chart on email list-building techniques from MarketingSherpa’s 2011 Email Marketing Benchmark Report. You can see exactly which email list-building techniques work and what is the best email marketing channel (B2B, B2C, or both) for implementing these techniques. Please enjoy!

    5 Quick Social Media List Building Tips and Tricks

    Hey guys, Here are 5 easy-to-follow tips and tricks that will help you to establish and build your mail list using social media networks. 1. Follow up new signups immediately with a Welcome email and a sample newsletter. Consider using an auto-responder to send an email to new subscribers, informing them of your content and your promotions. 2. Provide newsletter content that is valuable and worth forwarding and linking back to. 3. Archive your newsletter on your website so bloggers, Tweeters, and other social networkers can link back to your content, spreading it virally. 4. Make sure to read the […]


    HTML design for email is a trickier prospect than HTML for the Web. Your message must display correctly across dozens of clients and platforms, each with its own quirks and rendering issues. Good HTML creates branded, usable and attractive email messages that convert better overall than plain text. But when HTML goes bad, your messages will be unreadable, not function correctly or trigger email blocks or filters. This manual contains: List of 20 best practices addresses critical issues in coding and design in three key areas: format, functionality and usability. These issues affect rendering (how recipients view your message in […]

    TOP 8 Email Marketing Terms, Meanings, Facts and Bonuses You Should Know

    Hi guys, Hope you’re doing well. I would like to introduce some terms, meanings and facts related to Email Marketing. Each and every business or just a niche has its own terms and jargon, and you should be familiar with them to feel stable and navigate easily in the world of Email Marketing. Please enjoy! 1. Blacklist: A blacklist contains a set of IP addresses that are suspected of sending out unsolicited email (spam). If your sending IP has a high complaint rate, high hard-bounce rate, or a bunch of spamtrap addresses, you are more likely to be blacklisted. Bonus: […]

    Email Marketing Software from AtomPark Comes with Free Email Tracking

    Atomic Mail Sender + Email Tracker For a limited time only, email marketing software company AtomPark Software Inc. offers their award-winning Atomic Mail Sender with a free 60-day subscription to their email tracking service. With the bulk emailer, you can send unlimited emails to unlimited subscribers with no monthly fees — and with Email Tracker, you can see what time each recipient opens your messages and which links they click. To learn more about how you can send unlimited emails and track open and clickthrough rates watch this free online video at

    Email Marketing History – Few Facts and Figures You Should Know

    Hi guys, Hope you’re doing really well! How long have you been doing email marketing? A year, few years, maybe even 5. Email technology niche may celebrate at least 15th anniversary, and more than 10 years we are using email technologies as a way to reach customers and leads. Here are few interesting facts about email and email marketing. Please enjoy! First Email Message First person who emailed someone was Ray Tomlinson. He was working on ARPANET project (something we may call now Internet) and was interested in e-communications. First email message was sent between two side-by-side computers. First email […]

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