Massmailsoftware Blog category Email Marketing

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    Email Marketing

    7 Marketing Tips to Stay Modern in 2012

    Hi guys, hope you’re doing great! We all have already calculated our marketing results for year 2011, and now it’s time to sum our experience and detect what we should focus on in 2012 to stay modern. I’ve prepared 7 marketing tips that will help you to determine your marketing goals and methods for 2012. Let’s start. What you should focus on in 2012: 1 SMS marketing. In the end of 2011, during the holiday season, sms marketing was one of the best marketing methods, sms advertising boosted sales a lot. Keep this in mind and use sms deliveries for […]

    Holidays and Celebrations 2012 – Marketing Calendar. 5 Tips Included!

    Hey guys, Tomorrow is the St.Valentine’s Day – day of love for all the lovers and the challenge for the marketers. If a marketer is in love, then it’s a double challenge, huh! 🙂 Today I want to post a Holiday and Celebration calendar of 2012, originally published by GetResponse. This calendar is made to help marketers to plan all kind of promotional activities – all the holidays, events and celebrations are divided by months, seasons, etc. You will find the calendar below, but now I want to provide you with few tips that will help you to run any […]

    Building Email and SMS lists using Social Media – 5 Steps

    We all know how important social media websites and social networks are. This is a comfortable place for all of web surfers. Such social networks like Facebook or Twitter became a home page for so many users. Nowadays internet is not just checking websites, it’s more like checking your social networking profile for all the news, info and updates you want and need. So what does that mean? Just one thing – you should make your leads and potential customers feel comfortable while you stay in touch with them. This means you should choose their communication channels, period. Here I […]

    Small and Midsize Business: Email List Building and Newsletter Optimization Statistics

    Hey guys, Hope you’re doing super! Small and midsize companies (SMB, small and midsize businesses) are the best email marketing players. Do you want to know why? Because such companies are really interested in customers, leads (check our latest Lead Extractor) – they make their email campaigns as perfect as they can. I call it Passionate Email Marketing. Such companies can’t just throw money on huge email campaigns, so they run email campaigns with maximum interest and participation. Here you can find SMB’s email list building statistics and newsletter optimization statistics. Please enjoy and see what works for the most […]

    4 Steps to Optimize Email’s Call-2-Action. Tricks included!

    Hi guys! Email marketing is email marketing, but it’s nothing without a good call-2-action, which is a core element of each and every mailing campaign. Let’s see 4 main aspects of call-2-action element – Design, Colors, Placement and Metrics. Few words about each of them + advice 🙂 Enjoy! Design. Large or small? Picture or a link? Maybe a button? Doesn’t matter as long as it fits your design and looks familiar to your website visitors. They should feel comfortable and think of your website or brand when they notice a call-2-action. Make the call-2-action look comfortable and you will […]

    Corporate Social Media Marketing Investments and Plans 2012

    Hey guys, Hope you’re doing great! Here are 4 charts and statistics on corporate social media marketing investments and plans for 2012. As you will see 2/3 of companies are going to increase their social media presence!

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