Blog category Email Marketing Best Practices

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    Email Marketing Best Practices

    Blogging Rules 2009: 7 DOs and 8 DON’Ts

    Blogging really became a part of our digital life. And each and every life needs rules 🙂 Here are some guidelines to blogging I’d advice you to follow. Some basic guidelines on blogging, if you use a service they have their own terms and conditions for posting content. You can’t just post anything, so always read the t&c’s. If you don’t follow their rules, your blog will probably get deleted. If you host a blog on your own hosting account, using software like WordPress. You have full control over the content you post, so your blog won’t get deleted. […]

    Ebay Techniques 2009: Tips and Tricks for Using eBay Search

    If you know what you’re doing, you can quickly find what you’re looking for on eBay. Here are a few golden rules. Be specific: If you’re searching for the first edition of the original Harry Potter book, you’ll get further searching for ‘harry potter rowling philosopher’s stone first edition’ than you will searching for ‘harry potter’. You’ll get fewer results, but the ones you do get will be far more relevant. Spell wrongly: It’s a sad fact that many of the sellers on eBay just can’t spell. Whatever you’re looking for, try thinking of a few common misspellings – the […]

    Establishing and Growing Online Dating Relationships – Tricks and Tips

    Well, boys and girls, it’s spring time! Love is in the air! Let’s put away business for few days and talk about something different… about Online Dating! That’s not another marketing or online business technique, just dating… Online Dating! Online dating can be fun. But don’t neglect safety and common sense when you try to hook up with a mate. At minimum, take caution in the following areas. –

    Marketing Techniques 2009: 10 (!!!) Reasons Why Your Small Business Should Establish A Web Presence or “Web is everywhere…”

    “But mine is just a small business,” you might answer when asked about establishing a web presence for your enterprise. But what Zakk says is – it’s crisis now and it’s hard to make real money by real products, so you better try to establish your own online store, or, as I love to say – conquer the Web! Though such a reply is expected, it is often justified with facts. The truth of the matter is, even if your business is not big enough to warrant a Fortune 100 citation, it will greatly benefit from all the advantages that […]

    Email Marketing Techniques 2009: Get Your Opt In Subscribers To Trust You Quickly

    Fresh! Fresh! Fresh! Like morning juice! Grand 4 Ways To Get Your Opt In Subscribers To Trust You Quickly! While the rest of the world have developed many barriers and protections to keep their e-mail accounts spam-free, there are also those that subscribe to mails that promotes their products, services and their site. This is mainly because these subscribes wants to know more about what these sites are offering and can be beneficial for them. They expect to get be kept posted on what they are interested in and what are new in the market or field they have chosen. […]

    Email Marketing Techniques 2009: The 3 Things To Avoid When Emailing Your List

    Want to be successful in email marketing this year? The 3 Main Things To Avoid When Emailing Your List! When you decide to have an opt-in list, it is not just a matter of sending your subscribers your promotional newsletters or catalogs. There are many things to consider in avoiding many complications. While there are so many ways you can make people subscribe to your list, there are also some things you must do to avoid subscribers from wanting to get off from your list. Aside from that, you also want to avoid any problems with the law and your […]

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