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    Blog category Email Marketing Best Practices

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    Email Marketing Best Practices

    What to Sell to Your Email Subscribers? Top 6 Techniques

    As we all know, the main aim of email marketing specialists is to sell digital products (or even the real ones) to their email subscribers. Sometimes you can have a list of subscribers who are not your customers, it could be so if you are running an interesting blog and not just building a list to sell your products. Ok, so you have a list of leads. Actually, all the subscribers are leads, you just need to treat them the right way to transform the list of subscribers to the list of buyers. And the main problem here is – […]

    5 Quick Social Media List Building Tips and Tricks

    Hey guys, Here are 5 easy-to-follow tips and tricks that will help you to establish and build your mail list using social media networks. 1. Follow up new signups immediately with a Welcome email and a sample newsletter. Consider using an auto-responder to send an email to new subscribers, informing them of your content and your promotions. 2. Provide newsletter content that is valuable and worth forwarding and linking back to. 3. Archive your newsletter on your website so bloggers, Tweeters, and other social networkers can link back to your content, spreading it virally. 4. Make sure to read the […]

    Mobile Email Marketing 2011 – Tips, Tricks and 5 Best Practices

    Hi friends, Hope you’re doing well! Year 2011 is coming. What will it bring? Seasons are changing, markets are changing – and we need to prepare some special techniques to remain stable and successful in 2011. Let’s talk about Mobile Marketing, not SMS/MMS/BlueTooth, but just mobile market and mobile email marketing this time. 50% of Americans will have Smartphones by December 2011.

    Email Marketing 2010 – 4 Ultimate Techniques to Bring Inactive Subscribers to Life

    On any email list, there are subscribers who signed up and never again showed signs of life. These are real people, who may have opted in to the specific offer, free content, a contest and then never reacted to your newsletters, and never bothered to unsubscribe. Let’s call them Inactive Subscribers. It’s better to have such subscribers, then to have none at all. Here are few Email Marketing Techniques to bring these inactive subscribers to life: 1. Conduct a reactivation email campaign Identify inactives on your list according to agreed-upon criteria (Never purchased? No clicks in 12 weeks? Zero opens […]

    Email Marketing Campaign: Content, Timing, Promotion. Best Of Tips.

    1. Design Button vs. text link: Which draws more attention? With potentially more than half of your subscribers reading messages with images off, they might be missing your call to action or link to your offer. Send one message with a button image, optimized with an action tied to the offer, to half your list. Send another message with a text link to the other half and compare results. Remember, instead of using a generic message like “click here” on the button image or text link, use a specific call to action like “buy now” or “get the details” or […]

    Top Email Marketing Tricks, Tips and Techniques for 2010

    Hi marketers! Ready or not, 2010 is here. It’s time to boost your email marketing sales, right? And according to eMarketer, 2010 is going to be a good year for email marketing. A December survey revealed that 69% of respondents plan to increase spending on email marketing efforts – more than any other marketing strategy. And I mean that 2010 is the year of email marketing! To ring in the New Year, we’ve compiled 5 email marketing tricks, tips and techniques that are likely to gain even more ground this year. 1. Integrating Email With Social Media. This email marketing […]

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