Blog category Email Marketing Best Practices

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    Email Marketing Best Practices

    How to Write a Marketing Email

    In the current era of digital advancement, email continues to stand out as a formidable weapon in the marketer’s toolkit. It represents a direct conduit to your target audience, affording you the chance to deliver customized messages, showcase offerings, and cultivate lasting connections with customers. However, the art of constructing a successful marketing email goes beyond mere word arrangement. It entails comprehending your audience, enthralling their interest, and serving as a wellspring of inspiration for action. Within this extensive manual, we will escort you through the journey of crafting marketing emails that authentically strike a chord and yield impactful outcomes. […]

    A/B Test Your Email Campaigns

    In the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, email campaigns stand as an undeniably powerful tool to engage audiences and drive conversion rates. However, a one-size-fits-all approach can often lead to underwhelming results. So, how can we ensure that our email campaigns hit the mark every time? The answer lies in a robust optimization strategy, and that’s where A/B testing comes in. A/B testing is a simple yet effective method that involves comparing two versions of a web page, email, or other marketing asset to see which one performs better. By evaluating two different versions with a subset of your audience, […]

    How to Write an Effective Email

    Writing an email is essential for conveying your message clearly, capturing the recipient’s attention, and achieving your desired outcome. Whether you’re sending a business proposal, following up on a job application, or simply reaching out to a colleague, mastering the art of effective email writing is crucial. This article will provide you with valuable insights and practical tips to help you write emails that are compelling, persuasive, and impactful.

    Email newsletter: How to remind about the important without being annoying

    The majority of marketers have problems with when and how to send reminders. To make the things clear I found out for you all the details on: what is email reminder, remind e-newsletters mistakes, how to create gentle email reminders, the frequency of sending such newsletters.

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    Unsubscribe link: To Be or Not to Be

    Unfortunately, sometimes clicking the subscribe button is inevitable. And if this has already happened, and you need to make the process simpler and more comfortable, read on how to improve your unsubscribe from the mailing list with us.

    What should we do if Atomic Email Hunter extracts few email addresses by keywords?

    Sometimes, the search of Email Hunter extracts an insufficient amount of addresses by keywords. In this case, you should work on the efficiency of the program and configure advanced settings. Let’s consider a few ways to improve the search and save your time. Skip domains You will agree that there is no sense to continue the search on the pages of the one domain if the program finds no email address after exploring through 50 or more pages. It only wastes the program resources and your time. That’s why Atomic Email Hunter has an opportunity to skip such poor domains. […]

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