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    Best Unsubscribe Process Ever – How to Improve an Unsubscribe Process and Make It Perfect

    by Paul Shuteyev
    happy girl, happy womanHey Email Marketers, Hope you're doing great! Don't feel sad after reading the word Unsubscribe, 'cause this time I want to provide you with the list of improvements that will make your unsubscribe process prefect, save your subscribers and even earn you new ones. All improvements tested with Atomic Subscription Manager I will try to make this list of improvements short and easy-2-understand :) Let's see what it includes - 1. Remove your subscribers immediate. Do not wait and remove the reader from the email list right after his unsubscription. Respect your reader's will. 2. Make Unsubscribe visible. Do not hide the Unsubscribe link - place it in the end of the email and make it visible. Sure, don't make it more visible than a call-2-action links :) but readers must know that they can unsubscribe anytime. 3. Provide your subscribers with the Pause option. Make a Pause option available for your readers - this is great solution if they like your content, but are tired of your mailings. This is how you can save most of your unsubscribers. 4.  Offer your subscribers additional subscriptions instead of the current one. The second trick that will help you to save your unsubcribers is offering them additional subscriptions instead of the current one - maybe they will find your other websites and niches more interesting and will stay with you, just in the different email list. 5. Make Unsubscribe process personal. Boring unsubscribe process is soooo boring. Remember - this is the last moment when you can leave an impression on your reader, so try to make it personal - tell about yourself, maybe include your team photo. Do something - just don't leave it "thanks, you have been remove from the list, blah-blah-blah, no one's reading, whatever" :D 6. Survey your unsubscribers. Ask them what's wrong, why do they unsubscribe. Few questions answered will really help you to improve your mailing or list and save your susbcribers and earn new ones. 7. Test yourself. Test your unsubscribe process yourself - you should like it. If you think it's interesting and easy than you did everything right.
    Written by:
    Paul Shuteyev
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