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    Upgraded Atomic Email Studio 11.40 is the latest version with improved modules!

    by Daria Ivanishina
    Atomic Email Studio is a perfect package of programs for the mass mailing. It includes 9 modules which helps you to organize and manage all the processes before sending the newsletter and allows you to send it much more easily. We care about the comfort and are making the program more functional. It is not only about bug fixing but also about modernization and development. Moreover, we would like to present you the latest version of Atomic Email Studio 11.40. We have improved following modules:
    • Atomic Email Hunter 12.01
    • Atomic Email Verifier 9.40
    • Atomic Email Logger 8.50
    What did we upgrade in these modules? You can learn more below.

    Atomic Email Hunter 12.01

    New Atomic Email Hunter 12.01 has cache function that saves all of your searches so you would not lose a single email address. This feature works also if you restart Atomic Hunter, your computer or change location. program_interface You can resume your search right where it left off without repeating the same search over and over again. It gives you the benefit of getting new emails from the point where it stopped last time. New Atomic Email Hunter 12.01 is able to collect even more emails and it works much faster. program_interface  

    Atomic Email Verifier 9.40

    New version includes new function for determining the disposable email addresses, optimized statistics of the verified results and bug fixes for slow verification using web scripts. program_interface   New Atomic Email Verifier 9.40 highlights and eliminates all the disposable emails, i.e., the type of emails which people register once for signing up somewhere. Atomic Email Verifier 9.40 will help you to get rid of them completely. It will verify the rest of emails as good as earlier and it's cheaper than other services. In addition, we have modernized the "Statistics" panel and now you can receive all the statistical data much faster and in one place. program_interface  

    Atomic Email Logger 8.50

    Upgraded version of Atomic Email Logger 8.50 includes bug fixes. Modernized Atomic Email Studio 11.40 saves your time and efforts.
    Written by:
    Daria Ivanishina
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