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    7 Quick Mobile Email Marketing Optimization Tips

    by Paul Shuteyev
    Reaching as many customers and leads as possible is the main rule of successful email marketing, and mobile technologies grant the access to new markets. You can extremely increase your open and conversion rates by offering a mobile version of you mailing - let people choose. Here are 7 quick mobile email marketing optimization tips:
    1. Use a single-column layout
    2. Put your logo and call to action at the top of your email
    3. If you offer subscribers the ability to click through on a link from their mobile device, make sure the page they’re directed to is also mobile-friendly. Many content management systems offer mobile displays that turn on automatically when they detect a smart phone browser
    4. Use smart contrasts that read well on small screens. Black fonts on white backgrounds work best
    5. Use white space and bullet points to make your emails easy to read
    6. Have a text version available
    7. Have a link at the very top of your message that allows subscribers to "view online" if their phone doesn’t display your email correctly.
    Written by:
    Paul Shuteyev
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