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    How to find SMTP server?

    SMTP is used to transfer email messages between computers.

    An SMTP server performs two functions:

    • Verifies proper configuration and grants permission to a computer attempting to send a message.
    • Sends an outgoing message to a predefined destination and tracks the successful delivery of the message. If it is not deliverable, a message is sent back to the sender.

    According to the number of emails you are going to send daily you can choose the necessary SMTP server.

    SMTP from Your Internet Service Provider

    Internet Service Providers usually prevent customers from sending out too many emails in a too short period of time. They achieve this by:

    • using email send limits: per day, per hour or per number of recipients
    • blocking the default SMTP mail server port (25)
    • using whitelists, so only customers who bought an upgrade package can send out mass emails

    Visit your ISP’s website and look for pages like Acceptable Use Policies, Terms of Service, etc. to find out more.

    Web-based email services with SMTP support

    Many web-based email services support SMTP protocol, so you can use products like Atomic Mail Sender to send mass email. Just like ISPs, they have outgoing mail restrictions (for example, Gmail lets you send not more than 500 emails a day). Luckily, Atomic Mail Sender and Atomic Email Studio support the use of multiple SMTP accounts, and they can be used sequentially: first email goes through server1, second goes through server2, etc.

    SMTP and Your Hosting

    If you have a website you probably can send email through the SMTP server that comes with your website. Of course you might want to use a different hosting company, not the one that hosts your website. The best deal at the time of writing is GoDaddy Economy Hosting where you can create 100 email accounts. GoDaddy allows 250 SMTP relays (outgoing emails) per day, per email address. GoDaddy is a very large hosting provider and they keep their servers whitelisted with antispam organizations.

    Third-party SMTP services

    Third-party SMTP providers is the way to go if you want your emails delivered without much effort and technical knowledge from your side. You determine the number of emails you want to send monthly and buy a package that includes that number of emails. See the pricing in the chart below.

    Emails per month Unified eMail Authsmtp SocketLabs SMTP2GO
    5000 $9/month $88/year $9/month
    10000 $15/month $19.95/month $168/year $39/month $14/month
    50000 $70/month $69.95/month $808/year $59/month.
    100000 $130/month $99.95/month $1608/year $249/month $99/month

    Here is a list of SMTP server providers that we trust with our clients’ mailings. Study, test, and choose from them:

    SMTP2GO is the scalable, reliable email deliverability solution. Worldwide servers, a robust API, and powerful reporting set us apart. Affordable SMTP and email relay API services. sends billions of emails every month with 99.99% uptime and unmatched delivery.

    Find out all the questions regarding tariff plans and conditions for using SMTP servers on our partners’ websites.

    Virtual private server (VPS)

    A virtual private server (VPS) or virtual dedicated server (VDS) is a great solution for emailing without limitations. A word of warning first, this method is not for newbies – you should be able to manage a Windows server (or hire somebody who can). Your server will have a unique IP address and the hosting company does not really care what you do with your server, especially if you go offshore. We have positive feedback from our clients about this Malaysian VPS hosting.

    Whatever SMTP solution you choose our Atomic Mail Sender and Atomic Email Studio will help you send mass email efficiently and effortlessly.

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        • Inserting a link
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      • Random text
      • Random words
    • About the program
      • Introducing the AMS
      • AMS online
      • Main window
      • Using a command line
      • Restoring after crash
    • Settings
      • Program settings
      • SMTP Wizard
      • Interface language
      • HELO address
      • Default message properties
    • Work with the project
      • New project
      • Save project
      • HTML templates
      • Schedule the delivery
    • Message editor
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      • Spam check
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    • Recipient list
      • Recipient list
      • Find dialog
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      • Extract email addresses
    • Sending mail
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      • Delivery
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    • Monitoring
      • Tracking email messages
      • Google Analytics
      • Bounce Analyzer
    • About errors
      • Messages are not sent
      • Messages sent, but not received
    • How to…
      • Send mail
      • Personalize the mailing
      • Send mail anonimousely
      • Generate new mailing list
      • Find SMTP- server
      • Track the delivery
      • Keyboard shortcuts
    • Contacts
      • Troubleshooting
      • Atomic Mail Sender registration
      • Updating the software
      • Lost registration data
    If you have any problems or other
    questions please contact us. Thank you!