
    The guides collected here will help you with various software questions.


    Google Analytics

    You can find the reports over the visiting your site in Google Analytics account. See details about the server at

    The option will work only if there is a special script on your web page.

    The server helps to determine the effectiveness of different marketing campaigns by tracking clicks, sales and conversions.

    How it works

    Google Analytics has Java Script code to track the visitors on the site (their location and actions at the site) and the results of your marketing campaign. The program works unidentified and generates the reports.

    To track your emails you need to create a Google Analytics account and add the tracking code to the all pages of your website. The program helps you to analyze your traffic data. Visitor statistics is shown as reports sorted by various parameters.

    Do several steps to run Google Analytics:

    First step. Check in “I use Google Analytics”

    Second step. Fill in the boxes:

    • “Campaign Term” — the keywords of the marketing campaign. For example: sport shoes
    • “Campaign Content” — is used to differentiate between ads or links that point to the same URL. For example: logolink or textlink
    • “Campaign Name” (you have to fill it) — is used to identify a specific product promotion or strategic campaign. For example: spring sale

    Third step. Click “Ok”.

    Search by manual
    • Inserting the text
      • Merge data
        • Inserting a link
      • Spin text
      • Random text
      • Random words
    • About the program
      • Introducing the AMS
      • AMS online
      • Main window
      • Using a command line
      • Restoring after crash
    • Settings
      • Program settings
      • SMTP Wizard
      • Interface language
      • HELO address
      • Default message properties
    • Work with the project
      • New project
      • Save project
      • HTML templates
      • Schedule the delivery
    • Message editor
      • Insert a table
      • Insert social icons
      • Unsubscribe function
      • Spam check
      • Message editor
      • Random picture
    • Recipient list
      • Recipient list
      • Find dialog
      • Unsubscribe the recipients
      • Extract email addresses
    • Sending mail
      • Message properities
      • Send test mail
      • Delivery
      • Reports
    • Monitoring
      • Tracking email messages
      • Google Analytics
      • Bounce Analyzer
    • About errors
      • Messages are not sent
      • Messages sent, but not received
    • How to…
      • Send mail
      • Personalize the mailing
      • Send mail anonimousely
      • Generate new mailing list
      • Find SMTP- server
      • Track the delivery
      • Keyboard shortcuts
    • Contacts
      • Troubleshooting
      • Atomic Mail Sender registration
      • Updating the software
      • Lost registration data
    If you have any problems or other
    questions please contact us. Thank you!