Manual for Mail Verifier: Filter email addresses

    The guides collected here will help you with various software questions.


    Filter email addresses

    Under “Filters” menu tab program allows to settle the rule for necessary domains. If you do it, then the settled domains’ status will be shown while verifying addresses.

    “Add rule” button adds a mask to a domain of an email address you highlight in the email list. Once added into filter list it will be always marked as “Valid”, “Invalid”, “Missed” or Unchecked.

    Search email. Click this button to find an email address in the list you loaded into the program. “Search up” and “Search down” — use these two buttons to navigate email searching through your list.

    Open site. Highlight an email in you list then click “Open Site” button to open a domain website email address registered at.

    Send email. This will instantly open your mailing program to send a message to email address you highlighted in the mailing list.

    Search by manual
    • Work with Atomic Mail Verifier (AMV)
      • Welcome to Atomic Mail Verifier
      • Register Atomic Mail Verifier
      • Why should I register Atomic Mail Verifier?
    • Program Settings
      • Common Settings
      • Proxy Settings
      • DNS Settings
      • SMTP Settings
      • Filters Settings
    • Filtering addresses
      • Filter email addresses
      • Filter rules
      • Search addresses
    • Verify Addresses
      • Import the emails list
      • Email addresses verification
      • Stop Verifying
      • Verify failed
      • Command Line
    • Export Addresses
      • Save verified email addresses
      • Export Wizard
    • Connection
      • Upgrade Atomic Mail Verifier
      • Email management software
      • Customer support
    • Introduction into Atomic Email Verifier
    If you have any problems or other
    questions please contact us. Thank you!