Email Duplicates in a Mailing List: What is it and How to Remove?

    by Miroslava Vavshko

    Delete duplicated e-mails Marketing budget eaters, they cheat everyone who is lazy or new to mass mailing. How? Imagine that you sent a newsletter to 5,000 contact list you’ve gathered recently. Dreaming about high conversions in the report you notice that some users received the same email several times! How did it happen? Sometimes contact databases contain duplicate emails and your mailing list is one of them. Of course, this affects the result directly: some addressees even complained about spam. So, what is email duplicates and why you need to remove them from the mailing list? Read on and find out!

    Email Duplicates: What it is?

    Email Duplicate is a repeated contact several times in the same database.

    It can also be the same email with different personal data:

    • first and last name;
    • date of birth;
    • phone number etc.

    Be sure to find some contact copies on your mailing list. Perhaps you bought a poor-quality email database or collected your own. Anyway, you need to know what is the cause of the problem to avoid it in the future. Duplicates appearing occurs for several reasons, but most often it happens due to a human factor:

    • you add a contact to the database manually;
    • a user subscribes to the newsletter again and makes a mistake in the name, while the email remains the same;
    • you combine several email databases into one.

    So, if you find duplicates in your mailing list, you need to delete them immediately because it can create problems for your mass mailing campaign.

    For convenient management of emails use email studio. We also have a great mailing list software for managing email lists. Using the atomic email hunter, you can collect email addresses for sending letters.

    What are the threats of email duplicates?

    • Subscribers begin to mark the email as spam and unsubscribe from the newsletter Guys don’t like annoying messages from girls, and your subscribers won’t be happy with the frequent mailings too. Especially when 2 identical emails come in a row! If there is a duplicate email in your database, be sure that your mass mailing program will send the email 2 times to 1 contact. Many subscribers consider this like obtrusiveness and immediately unsubscribe from your newsletter or even mark your email as spam. This is a bit below the belt for each digital marketer because it leads to a decrease in ROI. So, don’t bug people and clean the base from duplicate emails to build good relationships with subscribers.
    • The reputation of the sender and the trust of subscribers are reduced This item comes from the previous one. Be prepared to lose many subscribers thanks to this oversight. After all, your newsletter will not only seem intrusive but will also look extremely unprofessional. But your reputation will fall not only in the eyes of subscribers. Email services such as Gmail can automatically mark your newsletter as spam. Your email will not even be noticed and your efforts will be in vain in this case.
    • Decreased campaign performance and reduced revenue as a result Email duplicates are a trifle at first glance. But we found out how terrible the consequences are: your newsletter is ignored and therefore ROI is reduced. And the more duplicate contacts there are on your mailing list, the more losses you will have. Therefore, let's figure out how to avoid duplicate emails using the example of the Atomic List Manager program.

    How to remove duplicate emails?

    You can delete duplicated e-mails manually or using a special program. The first option is suitable only for owners of tiny contact lists. Otherwise, you need email duplicate remover to do a list cleanup automatically.

    To make your work on email campaigns even more effective, we have developed software for email harvester on your computer. Then, using an automatic email bulk service, you can make mass mailings. When all emails are sent, track them conveniently with the email tracker software.

    Let's solve the problem with Atomic List Manager!

    Removing duplicate emails can be done in a couple of clicks using our tool! The program will separate all unique contacts from copies and create a single list with doubles. Even the most inexperienced PC user can handle the program. Here's what you need to do to remove duplicate email addresses from your list and get a clean database:

      1. Download and install the tool.
      2. Select in the top menu: Lists - Open from file and select the necessary database file. Available formats:
        • MS Word, Excel;
        • HTML table;
        • Access, dBase, Paradox databases;
        • .csv, text files.
      3. Select in the top menu: Operations - Remove duplicates
      4. Enter the name of the new list in which duplicates will be collected and click OK.
      5. Select in the top menu: Export - File to save in .csv or .txt or select another option to save to the clipboard, MS Excel or MS Word.

    There is nothing complicated, as you see! How to remove email duplicates Removing email duplicates in the Atomic List Manager tool. Press the button and get a base.

    In our list of software there are also mobile number extractor for collecting phone numbers, whois data extractor to find information about the owner of the email and an email email verification service for checking the email address, to do it online use online bulk email verifier.

    Want to get a clean mailing list?

    Download the program and get rid of duplicate emails as unnecessary junk!

    Written by:
    Miroslava Vavshko
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