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    Made a Mistake in the Email Campaign? Top 6 Tips on How to Save the Situation.

    by Paul Shuteyev
    mistakes-homer-simpson-mistakeHi guys, Hope you're doing great! Let's talk about mistake this time, email marketing mistakes. Human factor remains human factor and everyone can make a mistake in the email marketing campaign. This could be wrong discount %, wrong offer provided to your list, grammar mistakes, and so on. We learn from mistakes so it's OK. But it's good to know how to react when a mistake appears. Here is the list of Top 6 Tips on how to save the situation after the mistake's made.
  • Check your "Do-Not-Reply-To" inbox. Your subscribers will often respond to your Do-Not-Reply email if they faced a problem or noticed the error. This is a great way to monitor such mistake-related feedback.
  • Apology templates. Create few different apology templates - this is how you can react instantly if the mistake appears. By the way, our Atomic Mail Sender allows to easily create designs, templates and also provides with a good collection of ready-2-use templates.
  • Proofread the apology/correction email. Apologizing for an apology looks pathetic.
  • Update your team. Let your team know about the exact mistake - your support team should know about the possible questions and your sales team should know how to react to a wrong discount mentioned in the email or what to do with the wrong coupon-codes sent earlier.
  • Personalize apology. If the brand or info-email was the sender of the original email containing mistake, then it's better to personalize the apology and send it from this exact email address and include your personal info, like name, surname, position. If it wasn't a big mistake "Oops! Something went wrong!" might work.
  • Monitor social media and out-of-email space. It's not enough to send the apology to the whole email list. It's good to monitor social media and other sources to see whether the mistake has reached out-of-email space. Good tip here - use Google Alerts to be updated instantly about all kind of info on the web.
  • Written by:
    Paul Shuteyev
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