Email Marketing Statistics: Email Open Rates and Click-Through Rates 2010-2011

    by Paul Shuteyev
    Subject Lines: Emails with shorter subject lines tend to outperform those with longer lines: Subject lines of 4-15 characters generated a 14.1% open rate, whereas those containing 51 or more characters had the least amount of opened emails (9.9%). The highest click rates were generated by emails with subject lines between 16 and 27 characters long (4%). Interestingly, the category which generated the most opens did not generate the highest click rate: Subject line lengths with 4-15 characters generated a 3.1% click rate. Bounces by mailing frequency: Marketers sending emails more frequently garner fewer bounces. Emails sent to subscribers less than once a month (5.1%) generated the highest bounce rate, whereas those sent more frequently, such as once a day or more, registered the smallest bounce rate (0.4%). Personalization: Emails containing personalization in the actual message registered open rates of 12.6% on average, compared with those containing personalized subject lines only (4.1%). Click-rate trends closely mirror open-rate trends: Messages that contained a personalized subject line only generated a 0.8% click rate, whereas personalization in the message portion of the email generated a 3% click rate. SEE THE CHARTS BELOW!

    Click Rates by Industry Click rates also varied widely by industry, with some sectors' click rates at 9% or more and others' at 1% or less. The top-performing industries in 2009 were the following:
    • Consumer: 4.9%
    • Transportation: 4.6%
    • Consulting: 4.5%
    • Real-Estate : 4.4%
    The industries with the lowest click rates were the following:
    • Education: 1.4%
    • Government: 1.2%
    • Medical: 1.1%
    • Restaurant: 0.4%
    Thanks to the Information source and full article is here.
    Written by:
    Paul Shuteyev
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