How to Get More Fans for a Business-Page on Facebook? Quick Tips!
Building a fan-base on Facebook is a really hard thing for small business and small organizations. And the worst thing here is advertising. People join Facebook to interact, share interesting content, communicate and enjoy virtual life, and advertising or mass invites is not something they would like. I want to share some short delicate fan-adding techniques that will shoot two birds with one stone - gain more and more Facebook fans for your business-page and make your brand (company, product, anything) more stable and respectable among your Facebook fans.
So here are quick tips on how to get more fans for a business-page on Facebook and make them love you:
Run polls on proposed new products and features
Seek feedback on new company initiatives or expansions
Test your design - images, applications; mix it and make it easy to use.
Hold contests for your fans, award them with prizes
Provide your fans with custom features or bonuses regarding your product or services - make them feel special.
Recruit consultants, beta-testers, partners - offer your fans a "job" or an opportunity to earn - this will go viral, period.
Speak personally to fans that are really interested in your business.